11th and 12th of March, saw the opening of the 2nd Annual Satellite Exhibition, sponsored by Timeless Prototype. The Exhibit at Georgean saw a wide range of rocketry, vehicles and avatar detection and communication devices. Impressive builds and extreme scripting skills were on display, highlighting what is capable of being created in Second Life.
In the adjacent sim of Fortuna, the Alliance Navy had a large display of their work and a recruitment centre.

The Exhibition, gave me an opportunity to unvail the Serendipity Travel Pod to the public, with a special Telemetry version, that recorded how far the user had gone and scanned for avatars near the landing zone. It then emails this info back to Mission Control - hopefully in the future, I will adapt this into a game version.

Also the Frogstarr Cargo Podule made an apperance, over the stand, with my Lil Red Robot keeping an eye on things.

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